Friday 15 November 2019




Horticulture means growing fruits and vegetables
Golden Fibre refers to jute
Leading producer of coffee is Brazil
Agriculture is a primary activity
What is the temperature required to grow maize? 20°C and 30°C
The combination of Jowar, bajra, ragi and Sorghum I known as millets
India is the largest producer of millets in the world.
Cotton and jute are commercial crops
Tea cultivation requires abundant supply of cheap labours
Which crop needs 125 to 200 cm rainfall to grow? Coffee
Subsistence farming is practiced to meet the needs of the farmer’s family.
Plantation is type of commercial farming single crop is grown
Rice is the staple diet of tropical and sub-tropical regions
Wheat is grown in winter season in India
Sericulture  means commercial rearing of silk worm
Shifting cultivation is known as slash and burn agriculture
Only tender leaves are used to make tea
The farmer in USA works like a businessman and not like a peasant farmer.
Silicon valley is located in California
Information technology industries is known as sunrise industries.
Jute is the natural fibre
Iron is made from iron-ore
Cottage or household industries are small scale industry
The industries which are owned and operated by individuals or a group of individual is called Private sector.
Hugli region extends from Bansbaria in the north to Birlngar in the south.
Fibres are the raw materials of textile industry
Cotton is one of the oldest industries in the world.
Bengaluru is located on the deccan plateau
The first cotton textile mill was in Mumbai
Minerals are mined with steel equipment
Ahmedabad is located on the banks of river Sabarmati in Gujarat.
Ahmedabad is referred as Manchester of India
Steel is tough and it can easily be shaped, cut or made into wires
The production of hand-woven cotton textile was expensive and time consuming
Maruti Udyog limited is an example of Joint sector industry.
People are a nation’s greatest resources
About 60% of the world’s people stay in just 10 countries.
Three – quarters of the world’s people live in two continents which are Asia and Africa
The average density of population per square km in India in 382
In 1820, the world’s population reached to 1 billion
The statistic that measures the number of live births per 1000 people is called birth rate
The movement of people in and out of an area is called migration
When a person enters a new country, it is called immigration
Death rate is the number of deaths per 100 people
When a person leaves a country is called emigration
Rates of population growth vary across the world
Births and deaths are the natural causes of population change
The two persons who were helped by William Jones in studying of Asian Culture - Colebrooke & Halhed    

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